
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Think the person in front of you as your well-wisher, not conspirator

Ubqari Magazine - April 2020

Eye of infallibility: The person who looks at elders with an eye of infallibility, due to this look he remains in veil. (Sheikh Abu abdul ALLAH Muhammad Qarshi رحمتہ اللہ علیہ 

Preacher of Islam Hazrat Moulana Muhammad Kaleem Sadique Mudzila (Phalat): Hazrat Moulana is a great preacher of islam, on who’s hand more than 5 lac persons have embraced islam, his book “Naseem e Hadayat kai Jhonkai” is a worth read.

During the fever season, all the household were sick. Before leaving for office the father searched for something to cook, there were only apples in the pot, before he could pick the apple the little child who was saved from the sickness due to the blessings of ALLAH and who was playing as well, he came forward and picked both the apples. His father told him to return one apple to him and tried to get back the apple, the child had a bite of the first apple and when the father struggled to get back the remaining apple the child took bite of it as well. Father was very angry and was about to scold and beat the child to punish him. The innocent child brought forth the apple in his right hand and said “”dear father! Please eat this apple as this is sweeter, the other one is less sweet”. The father was shocked and he kept on gazing at his son. The innocent child who does not possess anything other than love and well wishes, how wrong I was, thinking about him. The innocent child was only testing which apple was better in taste so that his father could eat a better one. We go through such cases in our daily life when we lack in patience and in hurry make such tough decisions about our relatives and innocent children. Even though we are a ummah that has Quran with it, how much the Quran has advised us to be patient. We spoil our tasks by our negative thinking and being in rush. Sometimes we not only spoil but even break our noble relations. We get many chances in our life when even I or I saw many of my friends and relatives when got advises with honesty and love somebody consider it as a conspiracy against him. Instead of being grateful for the advice the other person got angry even sometimes animosity was generated amongst the relatives. Praise be to ALLAH who taught us the principles of love and affection “یا ایھا الذین امنوا اجتنبوا کثیرا من الظن ان بعض الظن اثم” ALLAH has given us the huge status of a preacher. We not only spoil the work environment due to our haste and negative thinking but also become a hurdle in the guidance of others. So the principle of a preacher is that he should not only be honest in his preaching but also should sound honest. “ما اسئلک علیہ من اجر” more importantly the preached should be understood as a honest , if the preacher think that his preached is conspiring, cleaver and enemy to him than the his preaching will not be effective. If he take the mistakes of others like the bites of both the apples in the above example, than he will start to love the actions of others like a father. Then the doors of guidance will open from heaven. Unless the preacher does not come over his feelings of anger, self-respect or strangeness at the times of high animosity and conspiracy, dreaming like victory of Makkah and the winds of guidance will not blow. We should take others as our own “اللھم اھد قومی فانھم لا یعلمون” and pray for their guidance. I wish we may understand.        

Became parents after 15 years

May 2020 special edition of Fasting month: a reader sent us a tested remedy that was used by a mother who gave birth to a baby girl after 15 years of marriage. He told someone else as well and ALLAH blessed him with a baby as well. Do not forget to read this amal and tell others about it.

During fasting weakness and thirst both vanished

In this edition please also find the remedy to save you from weakness and strong thirst, spend a wonderful Ramadan!

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